The MCQ Trial Examination has a total of 150 questions.
1. Treat this MCQ trial examination as an actual examination and adhere to all rules and regulations.
2. Remove all electronics, books, and notes.
3. Have a blank paper and pen available for use if necessary.
4. The examination has a time limit of 3.5 hours (210 minutes). Use the clock at the top right of the browser to pace yourself. The clock and timer start when the examination is activated.
5. The practice examination consists of 150 questions.
6. Five suggested answers follow each question.
7. Only one answer is correct.
8. Read each question thoroughly and select the best answer.
9. Click on the button next to your chosen answer using the mouse.
10. After selecting your answer, click the “NEXT” button at the bottom right corner of the browser to confirm your answer and proceed to the next question.
11. You must select an answer to move to the next question
12. You are only allowed to move forward. After answering all 150 questions, if time permits, you can go back and update your answers.
13. If a question is too long to fit on the screen, scroll down using the arrow that will appear on the right side of the browser. Each question only occupies one screen.
14. No marks will be deducted for incorrect answers.
15. If the session times out before you complete all the questions, the message “SESSION TIME HAS EXPIRED” will automatically appear.
16. The answers and explanations are based on the best approach; however, different opinions may exist.