The MCQ Trial Examination has a total or 30 questions.
1. Please treat this MCQ Trial Examination as an actual AMC MCQ oxamtnatjon. including compuanco to tho examination rules and regulations.
2. Please remove your robbe phone. books. notes. etc. Allow yourself a blank piece ot paper and a
3. The time limit rot this examination is 83 minutes- You must pace youf the Clock on the — the coc k and timer (top tght o t Screen) commence when the examinatOn iS actuated-
4. use your blank paper, if requied, during the examination.
5. The MCQ Trial Examination consists ot 50 Type A questions.
6. Each question or incomplete statement by five suggested answers. labelled A- B. C, D and E,
7. Only one answer out ot me tive suggestec answers, or completions. is correct.
8. Read each question thoroughly ana decide which one answer is the BEST choice_
9. You will use the mouse to click on the NEXT button (bottom right of the screen) wtwn your examination is activated This will confirm your answer and move you to next qtæstim.
10. In order to to the question. you MUST an answer,
11. You use the mouse to click on the button next to the response of your choice.
12. If the question is too long to on the screen. you have to scroll dovm by using the arrmvs that will automatically appear on the right or the screen- Each question onty occupies one screen.
13. Marks Will rot be deducted or incorrect answers.
14. If the session time has been reached before you complete an questions in the exarninaton the togowinq text Wi automabcany appear SESSION TIME HAS EXPIREY.